2015 Forum Theme

The Space for Choice and Choice of Space


Round Table
Innovation Networks and Clusters of "Green Technologies"


Topics of reports and speeches:
• flagship projects and regions-leaders of territorial clusters of sustainable development;
• clusters of clean technologies;
• best practices for the implementation and management of development clean technologies strategies and regional clusters of sustainable development;
• creating incentives for investments in energy saving technologies and environment protection.

Organizers: St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, Council of the Baltic Sea States, Saint-Petersburg Cleantech Cluster for urban environment, ICSER Leontief Centre

Attention! This module displays only registered moderators and speakers. Download the full version of the Concept: Concept


Kuzmenko Svyatoslav, Noncommercial Partnership «The St. Petersburg House Property Owners Association». Advisor

Saint-Petersburg Cleantech Cluster for urban environment. Attracting investments in energy saving technologies for the urban environment

Lutfi Evilina, Green Net Finland. Project Manager

From local cleantech clusters to transnational meta-cluster

Zabednov Pavel, Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University. Adviser to the vice rector for adiminstrative work

Center "Green Energy"

Johansen Alf, Innovation Network êðóã. Secretary General

The "green" economy needs green governance

Maksimov Sergei, Vilaka Municipal Council. Chairman

Modern agriculture of crossborder territory Russia - Latvia

Krasnikova Natalya, Autonomous non-profit organization "PskovRegionInfo". Expert on Alternative Energy

Resource-saving technologies as a tool of regional development

Zhiliaev Mstislav, Chistaya Vuoksa. Head

Lakes of the Leningrad Region

Yanykina Nina, ITMO University. Head of Project Management and Innovation Department

Saint Petersburg State University of Information Technologies: innovation ecosystem for the next level of development

Lebedeva Marina ITMO University. Deputy Dean
Chusov Alexander PETER THE GREAT SAINT-PETERSBURG ÐOLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY. Head of Departmnet of Civil Engineering and Applied Ecology



