2015 Forum Theme

The Space for Choice and Choice of Space


Round Table
Interaction between the Center and Regions in the Implementation of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education: Effects and Possible Mechanisms


This theme suits to the theme "Space for Choice". We propose to discuss the priorities, both quantitative and qualitative benchmarks that set the federal center in the framework of the May decrees, roadmaps and number of projects. Whether do they leave space for the subjects for bottom-up initiative, or integration in "general line" is the only one option? Using the analogy with the popular topic of teachers’ salaries, we can ask a question - whether do subjects of the Russian Federation have an opportunity to declare their initiatives and to receive the "incentive payments", or the federal center is only interested in the implementation of a baseline and common facilities for all subjects? What are the risks and the real consequences (results and effects)?

Organizers: Institute of Education National Research University «Higher School of Economics», Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

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Barinov Sergey, Institute of Education, NRU Higher School of Economics. Research Fellow

Federal target program of the education development. Regions advances

Beresneva Olga, Fund for Support and Development of Social Projects "Development". Coordinator of the project "Engineering competence - the power of the Motherland"

Project of engineering education development of pupils in the rural areas of the Novosibirsk Region "Engineering competence - power of the Motherland development"

Hazhin Aybulat, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan. First Deputy Minister

Kosaretskiy Sergey, Institute of Education, NRU Higher School of Economics. Director Center of Social and Economic School Development Institute of Education

Interaction between center and regions in the implementation of the Federal target program of the education development: advanced mechanisms

Kosaretskiy Sergey Institute of Education, NRU Higher School of Economics. Director Center of Social and Economic School Development Institute of Education

