2015 Forum Theme

The Space for Choice and Choice of Space

About Forum

The Forum is held annually since 2002 and has already firmly and justifiably gained the right to be regarded as the main platform for discussion of methods and tools of strategic planning, as well as constructive analysis on the most important and sensitive problems of strategic plans and complex projects implementation in urban development of Russian Federation.


Greeting of the Chairman of the State Duma of Russia Sergey Naryshkin

"Adoption the Federal Law "On the strategic planning in the Russian Federation" in June, 2014 opened new opportunities to increase the efficiency of state and municipal management. Development of its regulatory and methodological framework is becoming an important task nowadays for for further efficiency of the strategic planning."

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Greeting of the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Alexey Ulyukaev

"I am sure that Forum 2015 will be a place where representatives from government authorities, expert and scientific communities will be able to agree on approaches to the creation of an effective system of strategic management, and their recommendations will be demanded in management practice. I hope, that together we can move forward in sollution of the identified issues. I wish fruitful work to all Forum participants and i am confident in its efficiency and effectiveness." 

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Greeting of Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Northwestern Federal District Vladimir Bulavin

"Holding on the fourteenth time, forum shows that its replete program helps delegates of federal center, federal subjects of Russia and self-governing authorities to elaborate on general approaches and positions of strategic planning in the regions."

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Greeting of the Governor of St Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko

"The Forum "Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia" became a good platform to discuss the topical issues. It is not by the chance that such large national event is held in our city. Administration of St. Petersburg has developed and adopted the Strategy of economic and social development of St. Petersburg until 2030 and we have begun to implement it. We are ready to share our experience with the colleagues and learn new ideas from them." 

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16.12.2015 : Final Recommendations to XIV All-Russian Forum

Final version of recommendations about the actions of XIV All-Russian Forum "Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia: The Space for Choice and Choice of Space" is published on the Forum’s site in the section Materials.


Park Inn Pribaltiyskaya Hotel,
St Petersburg, Korablestroiteley str.,14


All opinions«У Петербурга огромный опыт в сфере разработки и реализации документов стратегического планирования. На протяжении многих лет наш город прочно удерживает лидерство в этой сфере…»   «…У меня нет сомнений, что такое широкое представительство и заинтересованное компетентное обсуждение ключевых проблем поможет, что называется, сверить часы. Выявить модели взаимодействие всех уровней власти…»    Governor of St Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko